Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb
Special guest
Rabbi Dobb is chair of COEJL (the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life), and has served as the rabbi at Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation in Bethesda, MD since 1997. He is the immediate past Chairperson of Maryland/Greater Washington Interfaith Power and Light and past President of the Washington Board of Rabbis. He has helped Adat Shalom become a widely-acclaimed green spiritual center and has been active within and beyond Adat Shalom on social and economic justice, LGBTQ and gender equality and progressive Israel education and advocacy, as well as eco-Judaism. A Wexner Graduate Fellow, Fred received a Doctor of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary in 2009. His two young children provide both impetus for, and limits upon, his activist rabbinate.
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb has been a guest on 1 episode.
Episode 9: Climate Change, COVID-19 and Racism: A Jewish Response
June 29th, 2020 | Season 1 | 54 mins 45 secs
Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb explains how Jewish values and community have served as the underpinning for his environmentalism, and how many Jewish ideas promote the kind of long-term thinking that is needed right now. Though this interview was recorded before the murder of George Floyd and subsequent protests that took place in all 50 states, he discusses racism and how climate change will continue to disproportionately affect poorer communities comprised of people of color – unless changes are made. He also explains how lessons learned during this pandemic might be applied to taking steps to lessen climate change. He offers an empowering and hopeful message about how the actions we take now can positively impact humanity and all life for generations to come.